HazMat Street Chemistry
Training Classes
A course specifically designed to train the participant towards chemical behavior prediction as it relates to the incident and detection strategies. Five day interactive chemistry course.
Course Goal:
Upon completion of this course work the participant shall be able to predict potential hazard outcomes based upon the chemical and physical characterization of the event.
Course Summary:
Basic Street Chemistry was specifically designed for the operational responder. Developed and written by Chief Bevelacqua (Orlando Fire) as an alternative to college chemistry, it has been presented at international conferences
as well as emergency response agencies at the federal and state levels. It is the application of chemistry within emergency response utilizing detection and monitoring strategies. The bases of the instructional design
against a backdrop of real world scenarios utilizing gaming technologies help the participant to visualize the concepts presented.
Course Objective:
This class was designed with first responders in mind. It is a practical approach towards street chemistry, addressing the theory and practical application. Offering a straightforward approach to the response
science, combining basic concepts with real world application offering insight. it’s designed to follow the National Fire Academy Course Correlation Grid for higher education.